Thursday, September 10, 2015

Schuylkill River (10-Sept-2015)

Rain, rain, rain, rained the entire time I was out and I do have to say it was much less brutal than the past couple hot days we have had. It was a bad day as far as trash as you can see above and will see below. Too much. Three contractors bags, a flex bag and the hull full. I filled my car completely today, even the passenger seat.

I enjoy the rain. However, I would not suggest paddling for an extended time in the rain. With it being on the hot side in recent days you may forget about hypothermia. I hit close to the end of the safe range of being out. Even with the heater on full coming home, I was freezing.

My first look of a new piece of bank. A lot of trash, but it looked manageable.

On my other side, pretty much the same. Bad, but I could clean it. What looks like smoke is the cold rain hitting my hand. It took awhile for me to stop misting.

Then I walked further down the bank. I thought, this is going to take some time.

Here I just had a Jaws moment and thought to myself "I think I'm going to need a bigger boat."

It just kept going.

The first needle find of the day. Can you see it? If not I suggest not walking by the Schuylkill. 

Round a Pine and more trash.

More and more and more. This is going to take me longer than Bake Oven Knob. If you haven't seen those posts from earlier in the summer, it was similar, but on a cliff side.

The rain was falling hard when I was packing up. It took me a couple time of looking at the bags and looking at my kayak to decide how I was going to paddle it all across. 

Now I just had to figure out how to get in after I pushed the boat out on the water. 

The paddle back across the Schuylkill was slow, yet much easier than I expected. Definitely going to use this method of floating bags to the side in the future. 

Four needles total today. This is the largest amount I have discovered at any location I have worked on. I am also sure there is more at this one. Without a local law enforcement number to call I took them and found the Landingsville Fire House. A gentleman there was nice enough to invite me out of the rain and gave me the number for the local State Police barracks. I would like to say thank you to the Landingsville Fire House for this! It took a while, but an officer did arrive and took the needles off my hands. He then proceeded to tell me that the way I bottled them was the best way to do it and that next time I can take them to any hospital for disposal. I did not get the officer's name, it was raining, I was cold, so I tried to keep it quick. Thank you to that officer!

I have a lot more work to do. If you would like to help me continue these clean-ups through 2016, please check out my fundraising page: Taking Out the Trash in PA 2016

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