Thursday, April 28, 2016

Beltzville State Park (26-Apr-2016)

I set out with Penny not to collect trash, but to go fishing this past Tuesday. Picked an area in Beltzville State Park because I not long ago did a thorough clean-up of the site. I figured if there was any trash there would just be a few items. I was wrong.

As soon as I made it to the water I started finding trash. Some new some old. I wasn't pleased. The old stuff were items that probably have been in the lake for awhile, but just washed up recently. I took a couple casts and then put down the pole and started going through the area for trash.

I am bothered by finding any trash, but the bait containers annoyed me the most. I was there to have a nice day and enjoy it fishing. Instead I got to clean up after someone else who enjoyed their day fishing and didn't have the courtesy to take their trash with them.

Would really like to know where all the planters are coming from. They keep on washing up in this area. The could be coming from somewhere up Bauer Creek, this site is right at the mouth of the creek.

More fishing line. Found several handfuls like this. 

My least favorite find. A used completely saturated diaper. I had an extra dog bag so I did wrap it up and take it. I believe if you have a child, part of taking care of it is disposing of its waste properly. Throwing it next to a lake is not proper disposal. I have found diapers now at five separate locations within Beltzville now. 

It was a beautiful day. A couple short showers rolled through, but the temperature was perfect and the scenery was spectacular.

Didn't end up doing that much fishing. I did fill my pack with as much trash as would go in it and I returned to my car. Separated the recyclables from non and packed everything into the car. 

Before heading home I tried my luck fishing at another access point closer to the main office of the park. Again I didn't catch anything, but I was able to remove these two small piles of trash.

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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