Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lehigh Gorge State Park (4-May-2016)

The plan for this trip was to go around the bridge pillar in this photo and up to an area I have yet to check out this year. I was going to collect small items while also scouting for tires. When I got to the bridge I found the rains had raised the river enough that I couldn't get around. I didn't think and if I had, I would have realized there was another way to go, I guess I just wasn't awake yet. Instead I went down river and worked on collecting small items off of the flood plain I had most recently taken the tires off of. 

Before and after. If it is hard to see, you can click on the photos to enlarge them. Removing all of the cans is a time consuming process.  

The cans not only have to be picked up, all of the sediment has to be removed from them too. Ones that are completely full can be difficult to crack open, but it has to be done. The sediment belongs there and the cans can't be recycled until they are cleaned out.

Plucked some cans from the water. At first I wasn't sure what the plastic object right at the water line was. Found out after I picked it up. 

A disposable camera. If I thought the film inside could be salvaged I would get it developed just to see what the people were doing when they lost it. 

If you are a return reader you might remember something like this from another post. Not far up river  I found a similar toy crib. In that case I thought I found both sides. Found more pieces that looked like they belonged to this one. In both cases the items looked old and I find it strange that I would find more than one set of these. 

In each area I worked on I would make a small pile until the surrounding area was clean, then I would bag it up and move on to the next spot. 

I did not know sponges like this existed. It was large and there is a good chance it was used as a bailer for a kayak. 

With a bag and a pack full it was back to the car to sort recyclables from non. 

During the sort I noticed this was not just a small piece of plastic. It had a pirate and a chest on it and when moved he opened it. Now that is one fancy tiny piece of trash.

This was the haul and I still wanted to do more. It has been killing me that I still haven't gone through the one section at the Glen Onoco Access. I remembered the easiest way to the area that earlier had disappeared from my mind. Back to the river for some trash and to do some tire scouting. 

It didn't take long to fill my pack with small items and that was all I brought with me on this second round of the day. I was mostly looking for tires and man did I find them. Tire after tire. This portion of riverbank is just packed with them. More than I have seen on any stretch so far.

I have to come up with a plan, which may involve a boat. Nothing is going to be easy in removing all of these tires. 

This was a surprise. I had found an old one a couple years back, never thought I would find a new model. I don't have a way to charge it, but from the sim I was able to find out how it was lost. It was on the head of its previous owner when they decided to go off of a rope swing not far up river. It was not secured. If you decide to use a rope swing on the river, don't have a camera on your head and for your safety wear a personal floatation device. 

Anyone know what this is? The part in my hand was heavy, could be filled with sediment though. At the other end of the white wire was a large suction cup. 

This was the second haul of the day. There is so much more work to be done. I still can't get over how many tires I found. The photos I put on here are just a few of what I actually found. I will be back again soon. Tomorrow I have something I have to get done, I will be doing a clean-up, most likely it will be on the Delaware though. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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