Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brodhead Creek and Delaware River (26-June-2016)

I am really trying to cover all of the areas I worked on last year in addition to adding new sites. For this clean-up I headed back to one of the places I worked on last year in the Delaware Water Gap. I started at Minisink Park and the goal was to do a clean-up on an island that is at the confluence of the Brodhead Creek and Delaware River. 

I didn't set out directly for the island and instead started working my way down the Brodhead slowly. Right away I started finding trash and with all of the trash this stream seems to be a popular place for people to hang out.

Looking down the Brodhead towards the Delaware. 

Wading through the water I found this car mirror. Well the actual mirror was gone, so just the plastic casing. 

I can't recall seeing this before. I have been here several times and I don't think we have had high enough waters to push a car frame down stream. Maybe it has been there for years and it was just covered in debris or maybe I was just focused on the other bank when walking through. This isn't something I can remove, wish I could.

I never know when I find a large piece of plastic in a debris pile if I will be able to remove it or not. Sometimes they are so entangled it is impossible. This one came out with a mild tug.

There are multiple garbage cans a short distance from the creek in the park. I am really not bothered if people have a few beers and a picnic by the stream, just take care of your own trash. 

Another piece of large plastic. Where does all this stuff come from? This one too was relatively easy to remove.

With a pack full of recyclables and nearly a contractor size bag full of trash I decided to go back to the park and dispose of this stuff before continuing on to the island. 

The black item near the trash bag is some kind of thick plastic I picked up on the way back to the park. With the first round done I pack the recyclables into my car, threw out the trash in one of the many cans and headed back down the Brodhead to the island. 

This time I walked the opposite bank down. Not as much trash just a few things here and there scattered between the rocks and there was this glove in the water too. 

I think this was my coolest golfball find ever! Mr. Peanut! He must have spent some time wedged in the bank upside down.

At the head of the island there were more debris piles. I carefully picked through them and removed most of the trash. Behind one of the larger debris piles there was a handful of bottles I left behind. There was no way to get to them safely.

Made several piles like this while pulling from the debris piles, then sorted the recyclables from the trash.

The view looking up the Delaware from the head of the island. 

As I started going down this side of the island I wasn't finding much trash at all. I thought that the channel on the other side would probably have more and made the decision to cut through the island to get there. That was my worst decision so far this year doing these clean-ups.

This is what the interior of the island looks like. Japanese Knotweed, an invasive species has taken over. I started working my way through and before long I realized that something, possibly pollen was falling from the knotweed above me. Whatever it was completely lined my throat and it felt as though someone had poured dry rice down it. I started coughing and quickened my pace out of there. I should have had water on me, but I forgot to pack it. The experience was completely miserable. 

Once out in the channel I saw this right away. I really just wanted to head back to the car at this point, but I pressed on and checked out this debris pile. I pulled what I could from it, much of it was unstable though and after the day I had I thought it best not to push my luck. 

This is what I headed out with. The contractor bag wasn't just trash, there was also a smaller bag of recyclables in it. 

The second round of the day complete and I was done. I will be back to this area to work on the debris pile, but this was all I could do for the time being. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

Like this project? Like it on Facebook: Taking Out the Trash in Eastern PA

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