Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mauch Chunk Lake (20-July-2016)

I was able to catch up on all my blog posts in the morning so I decided to head over to Mauch Chunk Lake for a paddle. I was interested to see what has accumulated since my clean-up early in the spring. 

Paddling up the lake I did not come across much trash at all, just a couple cans. This painted turtle was out basking and damsel and dragonflies were flying about. It was nice to see more wildlife than trash. 

When I crossed to the opposing shore I started finding cans on the bottom. I have paddled this shore many times and it I always find more. The odd thing is that they all seem to be older. Do I really miss that many or do they make there way towards shore with currents in the lake?

Only found half, this was also on the bottom. 

This has been in the lake for around 30 years. On land it would be in perfect condition still. It makes me wonder what causes it to break down in the water. 

These bags were right across the lake from one of the boat launches. The large trash bag most likely came from the trash can at the launch. Also found a lure when I got out to get the bag. 

Found a Tiger Swallowtail feeding on a very interesting flower. Does anyone know what this plant is? It was some type of woody shrub. 

Looking down the lake. Throughout this section I was still finding cans on the bottom, yet not much else. Either others are doing more to keep this lake clean or my efforts earlier in the year had a more lasting effect than I thought they would. 

After crossing back over to the park side of the lake I found a couple places where people left garbage after fishing. Still wasn't as bad as other times I have done this paddle. 

Near the end of this paddle this Green Heron tried avoiding me by hiding in a pine. I still was able to get its photo though. 

Wasn't anywhere near the largest haul I took off the lake, but it was still something. I can't express how nice it is to see less and less trash at a place every time I visit!
You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

Like this project? Like it on Facebook: Taking Out the Trash in Eastern PA

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