Saturday, February 27, 2016

Beltzville State Park (27-Feb-2016)

Feeling worn out, I said in the post yesterday that I would take out more trash today and I really had to push myself to do that. Stuck with Beltzville, still limited with the rivers and streams being high. This time I went to the 209 side of the lake at an access across from the Pine Run Boat Launch. I worked on this area last year and it was trashy. There is a lot of thick brush and much of the trash is not easy to get to.  

I worked on the area between the lake and the Trinity Gorge Trail. Like I said I had done this before, but on the previous trips, I just couldn't get to all of the trash. This time I took different routes and it seemed much easy than it was last time. I think the winter helped open up some of the areas that were nearly impossible to get through before. A lot of the items were older, pretty far from the shoreline, but looked to be washed up. So I think at some point in the not too distant past the lake was filled to a level I have never seen before. 

Multiflora Rose. I have mentioned this plant in previous post and it is one of my least favorite things. It is non-native and is found at every access around Beltzville. I think people that throw trash into and underneath this plant are just plain evil. I always have cuts and punctures having to pick trash out of it or walk through it to get trash on the other side. The only benefit that I know of from this plant is that a variety of native birds like to nest in it. The nest on the right is possibly from a Mockingbird. Notice how trash was used in the construction of this nest.

The clean-up went fairly quickly and in under two hours I had a garbage bag and a pack full. At most sites it would take much longer to collect that much.

It was about half and half, as far as recyclables and trash. Many styrofoam items and chicken liver containers. 

Had Penny along and she spent a lot of time during the clean-up tied to trees while I worked my way out of the brush. She isn't a fan of multiflora either and I do my best to keep her out of it. She needed a good walk so we traveled up to the Preacher's Camp Access. There a think sheet of ice still covered the lake, where almost every other portion is clear. There were even boats running on the lower section. 

Penny looked to have a good hike. Even met a Basset Hound on the Preacher's Camp Trail. This trail I have cleaned up many times, even before I started this project. It stays fairly clean, so there wasn't much stopping along the hike. We went as far up the trail as she wanted to go and then we headed back.

This was all I picked up on this second hike and I was happy to find so little.

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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