Thursday, February 4, 2016

Beltzville State Park (4-Feb-2016)

Back to Beltzville today to finish the clean-up I had started yesterday. This access to the lake is actually not state park property and is gamelands owned by the PA Game Commission. Before continuing the previous clean-up I took Penny for a walk down this old roadway which ends in the lake. There are a couple roads like this one around Beltzville. They once ran through the valley the lake consumed and I have been told one of the roads even had a covered bridge on it over the Bauer Creek. 

Last year I had also cleaned along this abandoned roadway. It was just like the pull off and there were lots of new trash items along its side.

At the end of the roadway I was off of the gamelands and now on the state parks property. This area seems to be a very popular night fishing spot. Lots of chicken liver containers give the spot away. Multiflora Rose made getting to some items difficult and others impossible. I really hate leaving things especially recyclables, with some Multiflora though, there is just no way of getting to them. The items in this photo were all retrieved and taken out. 

In all my times to this spot I have never run into anyone else. With trash removed, to me it is one of the nicest places on the whole lake.

Penny was having a nice hike before we got to the rocky beach area. She doesn't like staying in one place too long and we spent some time here as I picked the shore as clean as possible. She perked up on our way out, my mood diminished, there are two folding chairs in this photo and they weren't the lightest things to carry to the car. 

The leaning tower of liver containers and line. The Dunkin cup is stuffed full of line. 

On the way down to the lake I left a lot of the trash I found in the middle of the road to take out on the way back. I did this so I wouldn't have to carry all of the glass down and back. The problem was I had no room for the items on the way out and I had to walk back for them after emptying my pack at the car. 

Once I retrieved the items on the old road I got back to the area around the pull off. Penny took a break and watched me from the car. This is the before and after of one of the sections. The white item left in the after photo was a diaper. I had to sort all of these items so the diaper was not going in my bag. 

This was peering out of the snow bank by the car. Notice the gum stuck to its hat, it was not mine. 

No clue what the white item with a cord is. Anyone have a guess? Feel free to comment. The other clear box I thought belonged to the park for park maps. I did take it to the main office, but I found out it wasn't from the park. They did take it though and hopefully it will find a second use. 

Sorted out the recyclables from trash and bagged everything back up again. When I stopped at the main office at the park I asked if I could throw out the non-recyclables in one of their dumpsters. I was told the dumpsters can't be used at this time of year, but they were able to take the non-recyclables off my hands. Thank you Ranger Roberts, who even helped me remove the items from my car! It was very much appreciated. 

Penny looked like she could use another walk so we headed down to the main parking area and started down the shore. 

Compared to the site earlier there wasn't much at all for the amount of ground we covered. Still my pack started filling up.

Skunk Cabbage is emerging from a wetland. To me this is a sign that Spring is on the way! 

I picked up all that and a bag of chips. The bag of chips was full and was not the first I have found. So much stuff is just wasted. 

Everything I picked up on the last walk of the day. Non-recyclables thrown out and the rest was packed in the car. Dependent on the weather I might do a recycling day tomorrow. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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