Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Beltzville State Park (2-Aug-2016)

With all the rain lately I needed to check the river before I set out on it again. So I went over to Beltzville State Park for another clean-up. This allowed me to see the river at several points on the way over. The river looked good and I will be back on it soon. For Beltzville I went to the Preacher's Camp Access and headed up one of the channels on the Preacher's Camp Trail. 

Not too far in on the trail I discovered this. These tires were not here last year when I did this same clean-up and I thought they might have come from a run further up where I had noticed them before. They had to come from somewhere off the trail, so someone else it working on cleaning up this park as well! 

The trail narrows and I never find much trash in this section. The few items I do see are impossible to get because they are down the steep slope towards the lake. 

The run where I have seen tires in the past was dry and had some trash. These items looked newer and possible were washed down in the recent rains from somewhere outside of the park. 

The tires were still where I had seen them before, so they weren't the ones someone else piled up. I would really like to know where those others tires came from. I have never seen that many along this trail and it is not a place where someone would be able to just dump them. 

A look from the run down the channel. 

Two buckets. Here too it looked like someone was cleaning up and just left the stuff. Under the one bucket was a bunch of trash.

Two bags. Bags are never a pleasant thing to find in the woods. The garbage bag in this case was a perfect example of why. It had something in it which I dumped out. It was animal remains and from what I could tell it looked to be a small dog. 

Rhododendren bordered a rope swing on both sides. Of course there was trash thrown into it on both sides. 

This is what I was able to pick out of the Rhododendron around the rope swing. 

Off the trail slightly to pick up a trash item I noticed this Wood Frog. Most frog species at this time of year you will find on the edge of waterbodies. Wood Frogs are a little different. They can be found on the forest floor quite far from permanent water. 

After I filled this bucket and my pack I called it a day and took the trail back to my car. 

The recent rains must have helped this group of fungus emerge. 

I had my dog Penny along on this trip and with the bucket in one arm and her leash in the other had, this trail was not easy to traverse back. I was just happy there wasn't anyone else hiking. 

I had spotted this small tire on the way in and on the way out I grabbed it. It wasn't far from the car, but did make things a little more awkward walking out. 

This was it. The non-recyclables went in the trash, the tire went by the trash can and the recyclables were loaded into my car. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

Like this project? Like it on Facebook: Taking Out the Trash in Eastern PA

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