Saturday, December 12, 2015

Nesquehoning (12-Dec-2015)

Back on the road again. I chose this section because it had just rained before I arrived, the roads were a bit slick and not to far down the roadway is a guardrail I could safely collect trash behind. I didn't realize I would fill a full bag before I even made it to the rail. If any of today's post sounds like I am frustrated or annoyed, I am, also road clean-ups aren't my favorite thing.

This was less than ten feet from where I parked. Green briar surrounded more of the recyclables and it wasn't easy even with the tongs getting them out of it. I was very displeased to see the political sign. I think politicians should be held accountable, with at least a small fine, for every sign their support groups don't retrieve. 

A mystery bag, how I don't love surprises. From what I can see it had recyclables in it so I took it. Who knows what I will find when I open it on the sort day?

Tires, tires, tires, tires, who will take tires for free? I have contacted different government agencies with little success. I just checked out Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection's site again. I found this link:, so I tried it. My hopes are not set high, when I submitted the report it did say I would receive some sort of correspondence from someone within 48 hours. There was no place to leave actual comments, I used the other trash section to explain how I came across these tires and what I am doing with this blog. I also offered to move all of these tires to the roadside. All I need is someone to pick them up, it should be simple, I am offering to do all of the hard work. I am very interested in the response. If it is a positive one and gets this area cleaned up in a reasonable time frame every large dumpsite I have found will be submitted. 

All of these items were gathered from a small area just down the embankment by my car. Several empty oil cans suggest to me that the pull off I parked in may be used by some for oil changes. Others just use it to dump trash and tires. I ended up with a full bag before I even started walking down the road. I left it on the side of my car and continued on. 

If I am remembering correctly this is the fourth site I have found 2-liter bottles with the plastic inserts on the bottom. It is amazing that some of them still look like they could have been on a store shelf yesterday. How many more of these will I find? 

The second bag full. In the photo it may seem like a good distance from my car, it really wasn't. Way too much trash.

This was the best find of the day. It was a slight distraction from the bottles, cans and other trash.

There are items I come across that really make me wonder. I have seen someone walking this section of road before with the same kind of pack and I would be willing to bet this is the same one. I half expected to find a body down the slope, but thankfully it was just the bag. Why would something like this be left there? I thought it best not to touch anything and I left it as I found it. From what I could see all of the books were religious and the medkit was new with a zip tie still on the handle. There was also random car parts including a headlight, which is part of the reason I first thought there might be someone down the bank.

Littering off of this section of road is nothing new. Several places I think were used as old dump sites. At the start of todays clean-up I was collecting glass, but with the sheer amounts of old glass I just had to give up that endeavor and leave it. Some of the old glass bottles are more durable than todays, yet some are much more fragile. I really don't want to be picking through broken glass on the sort days or have a bottle break on the trek back and have a bag rip open. For glass in the future I am going to have to buy thick reusable bags and designate them specifically for glass. These two Pepsi items show how old some of the piles are along the road. The bottle was complete and not even a chip and the can was steel. It was the first old steel can that I could actually read the label on.

Third full bag of the day and although the car wasn't far the walk back seemed like forever with the two bags, my pack, my hook and camera in tow. 

This was it, three garbage bags and a bag with two water jugs. I thought it was pretty good, but it really didn't make a difference as far as you can see driving by. Once I do the opposite side of the road passers by might actually noticed that someone cleaned the roadside. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund This Project!

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