Friday, April 22, 2016

Lehigh Gorge State Park (22-Apr-2016)

The air temperature was warm enough, yet the water is still frigid. I shouldn't have gone out on the river, I did anyway though. Unless you have a wetsuit or other cold water gear I would not suggest going out for a few more weeks at least. I do have a skirt, but didn't think to even bring it, definitely would have been helpful. I started in Rockport and set off down river. Before I had even collected anything I hit the first set of rapids. Nothing spectacular, though it was enough to send a small wave of water over my lap. Extremely cold water! Not a pleasant start to the trip.  

Half soaked I decided to start searching for trash to get my mind off of the cold. Stuck along the left bank here, the right is where the D&L is and where I have already covered by foot.

The can was the first item I picked up and I had to pluck it from the water. The glasses were the first thing I found on shore and I decided to get out and get my legs moving to warm up a bit. Also, where there is one pair of glasses there are usually more and other trash as well. 

In no time I had a small pile. I loved the one lens goggle, if only it was my size, it was a child's size. Everything else was the normal river trash.

Another broom head! Second one of the year. How do they make it into rivers and lakes? Again the rest was more of the same. 

Recyclables went in the back hull and non-recyclables went in the bag on the back deck of the boat. After getting water in on the first rapid run I decided from the start that I wasn't going to overload the boat and was only going to take what I felt comfortable with. On the lower Lehigh I will push the limits a little because for the most part it is slow moving and deep. Here under cold water conditions and faster water I wasn't going to push my luck.

Spotted this from the shore. First whole paddle of the year. The whitewater businesses need to do more to clean up their junk. They profit off the use of this river and are a main contributor to the trash along the banks. They should do more to keep this river clean and really should be fined heavily when items like this can be directly linked back to them. This paddle has now gone from a rafting paddle to a canoe paddle and it will get use as such.

Back on the river I really enjoyed the calm areas between the rapids. They made up the majority of the trip and it was very relaxing on these stretches. 

This was the only tire I came across. You may not be able to tell from the photo, it is huge. Not possible to paddle it out with my kayak. I would be comfortable taking it out in a canoe though. Hopefully this summer I can borrow a canoe to run this section with. 

More blue tarp like material. I do think it is shreds of old rafts. I have seen much of it in this upper section. Looks so much better when its gone.

At this stop I found the only unopened products of the day. A Redbull and a water bottle. Wasted products. Well the shoes are a waste too. If you go rafting, kayaking or inner tubing wear shoes that tie and make sure they are tied tight. Sandals, flip-flops and most water shoes slip off easily. 

The best find of the day was not trash at all. It was a hatchling Common Snapping Turtle. By its size it is likely that this turtle overwintered in its egg. This happens when eggs are laid later in the year. After a small photoshoot I placed it back exactly where I came across it. Paddling away I just thought about what the world must look like to that tiny little turtle. From the egg right to surviving on the river with no instructions, pretty impressive.

This was the roughest water I went through. There was one section before this in a turn that I did have to get out and drag my boat past the rapids. Here I just ran it. Got some water in the kayak, it was no warmer than earlier in the day, I didn't expect it to be.


This looked like the best place to get out. Using my paddle I floated the kayak the rest of the way down to the bridge.

 Not the easiest take out point on the river. Dragged the boat to the bridge and floated it underneath.

This was the haul, plus the paddle and a rubber duck I forgot was in my pfd pocket. I wouldn't have felt comfortable paddling with anymore than this on the boat. Not going to try the upper gorge again at least for a week or so. May try a lower section with calmer water on Sunday. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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