Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lehigh Gorge State Park (22-May-2016)

Took yesterday off for some much needed rest. It helped a lot and refreshed I was back at it again in the Lehigh Gorge. The goal for the day was tires once again. On this trip I wanted to remove the last of the easy tires, the ones that weren't completely buried, pinned down or have a tree growing through them. I didn't think there were many easy tires left in the flood plain I have been working on the past couple weeks. I was in for a surprise.   

This was nice to see as I started up the flood plain. A view completely trash free. I want the Lehigh to be like this all the way through the gorge. I do believe it is possible, there is still a ton of work to be done though.

Working up the plain I started pulling tire after tires, even tires like the above that were mostly just tread. The following are all of the before and afters of the whole tires pulled and hauled out on this trip.

I wasn't expecting there still to be ten whole tires that could be easily taken out. Once out I would set the tire in the middle of main channel to be picked up on my way out. I also photographed all of the tires that couldn't be pulled without tools. There are at least thirteen tires left that I was unable to get out. One or two of them I am not sure if I can even remove with tools. 

As I was going along I was picking up small stuff when I saw it. The cool thing is, it is getting to the point now where there isn't much around the channels. I wasn't able to even fill my pack in the time I was out there.

Working my way back the plain I picked the tires up two at a time and moved them further down, then went back for more. Continuously doing this until a pile formed and then two at a time moved the pile out.  

Again I was able to shove the smallest tire in the largest and this allowed me to roll two out instead of having to carry them. I kept my eyes open as I moved the pile down the plain and I did see another on the way back. 

Not a whole tire, but it still does not belong. Two other tires like this I had stacked on the side of the channel on Friday. I just wasn't able to take them out then, so I also had to retrieve those. 

By the time I made it to the canal path, I had 14 tires total. The ten whole ones and four that were mostly just the tread. On the way out I met the first person I have seen in this area since I have been working on it. He was fishing and was on his way out. After I explained to him what I was doing he insisted on helping and grabbed one of the tires. To this fisherman thanks for the help! 

I added all the tires and a piece of a TV to the pile. I think there is close to forty tires in this pile and tomorrow I will be taking them all up to the access road for removal by the DCNR. After that is done I have to check my numbers. I know I am getting close to 100 tires removed from the gorge this year!

This was it for the small items. You may have noticed in other posts, even old ones from further up in the gorge, more pieces of the green canoe. I think if I would have kept them all, I might have had nearly a whole canoe by now. No interesting or odd finds though. Will be back tomorrow to get the tires up to the access road!
You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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