Monday, May 2, 2016

State Gamelands (2-May-2016)

Went to take a short hike this afternoon on a local state gamelands. It had been awhile since I visited this particular access. It has never been a real trashy area and I didn't think there would be more than a couple cans and a plastic bottle or two. I was disappointed right out of the parking lot when I found the sight above. 

The coolest find of this trip. Not the oldest 7-Up bottle I have found, it was an interesting one though. This will be going in the old bottle collection. 

This is a more common occurrence than you may think. People not only like to litter, but they like to put rocks in their garbage before leaving it where it doesn't belong. 

This was a sign for the small run that passes under the trail. Now ripped down, there was also graffiti below it on retention rocks for the bridge. 

This was the oddest item I found all day. Water, from Iceland. Why? The packaging states that it is carbon neutral, however, did the company factor in the impact from the gas the person who found the bottle had to use to dispose of it?

This was it from this short hike. A pack plus a grocery bag of glass bottles. This hike was just a short part of a long day. I kept the post short and I am heading to bed. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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