Friday, October 16, 2015

Recycling Day! (16-Oct-2015)

I am completely exhausted. Thirty-four bags of recyclables collected over the past three weeks. From the start this morning I knew I had waited too long to do a sort and recycling runs. In total I ended up with 3,918 items and this doesn't include an entire contractor bag full of items I decided were not recyclable.  78 jugs (milk/ice tea), 101 oil containers, 368 cans, 3,371 plastic bottles and other plastic containers. 

It took some time to get to the end. There were several times today where the skies turned dark and the wind picked up, but I got lucky and there wasn't a single drop of rain until I was finished.

The completed sort. The full contractor bag in the upper left of the photo is full of the items I decided were not recyclable. These include brittle jugs that are starting to degrade, styrofoam items and any plastics that are full of mud, muck or similar that cannot be easily removed. It ended up mostly being the jugs. 

After the sort and count came bagging it back up again. The cans I keep and later take to a recycling center and the plastics are all taken to the local recycling depot. 

When I started to fill this container there was only four small boxes in the bottom. The rest is all of the plastics I dropped off. Came so close to filling it!

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