Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Morning Hike (8-Sept-2015)

For this post I am excluding a location. The area is really enjoyable to hike, but it is mostly because I hardly run into people there. I am not going to spoil that. Even with a lack of people, those who do know about the area choose not to respect it. 

Along the access road in there were bottles and cans here and there, for this place that is the norm. This was new. Can someone please explain to me the need for a bucket toilet? If you are concerned about leaving your waste in the woods, wouldn't you take the bucket with you? And if that isn't the case, why not just dig a hole? This one didn't even have the fancy toilet seat lid, which I have found in the woods in the past. This was definitely something I did not take out.

Judging by the beer can trail from the bucket toilet to this campfire pit the bucket was used for a party. I took everything here excluding two glass bottles. I have said in other posts that I do not take glass. Lately I have been and exactly what I didn't want to happened. During my last recyclable sort one of the glass bottles broke in my yard. I really don't want glass shards in my yard or in my recyclable bags.

These party goers must not have had a need for more than two cups. So much unused styrofoam, so much waste. There were also unopened bottles of water and and unopened beer.

This American Bullfrog was the highlight of my day. It was big and didn't move with me and Penny only feet away.

One of my favorite views in my area.

A Native Brook Trout. It is a little expired, don't worry there is nothing wrong with the water. I did not check this one, but I have found them dead before with prey items lodged in their mouths. There are a multitude of reasons this one met its demise.

I found a couple more items on the way out. The bag next to Penny was the total. Not much, but not shabby for a hike where taking out the trash was not the intention.

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