Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Farm Park (19-Jan-2016)

From Riverfront Park, Mr. Greco and I headed over to the Norristown Farm Park. The idea was to hike some trails and find some birds. Like everywhere I go, this too, ended up becoming a trash clean-up. The above photo is the main office of the park, we did not go in, but it looked like a cool place from a distance. 

This park was huge and neither of us had been there before. Not knowing what the best areas are to check out we just picked a random parking lot and set out on the nearest trail. This one followed alongside the Kepner Creek.

Like Riverfront Park, the cold made some of the trash unretrievable. 

As for birds, not many wanted to get close or stick around for photos. The White-Throated Sparrows were an exception and this one did not care one bit that I was close when I took this shot.

Along the stream side I found this Great Blue Heron. I rarely see Great Blues in winter and with most of the stream here frozen, I wondered how this particular heron is able to get food during these cold times. 

This was on a small island. When the ground is thawed I would like to go back and remove it. Shopping carts a a very common river items, but finding them in a park like this with only a small creek running through was odd. 

Picked this large container up and filled in with non-recyclables from the trailside. 

Compared to Riverfront, there was very little trash in the section of this park that was covered. The recyclables were packed in my car and the true trash was put in one of the parks receptacles. 

I would like to once again thank Jeff Greco for the help! Thank You! It really was great to get some help on such a cold day and we were able to take out a good amount of trash between the two parks.

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

1 comment:

  1. Great Blue Herons will stick around as long as they have food sources. If the water isn't frozen, they can stick around all winter. Also, they hunt snakes, mice etc in fields. So they are not limited to water. I have a picture of one eating a chipmunk. Jeff took it, I think.
    --Harry Buttisker
