Friday, January 15, 2016

Lehigh Gap Nature Center and State Gamelands (15-Jan-2016)

No post yesterday. I did go out, I did take out some trash, but it was such a small amount it wasn't worth a post. Today I headed back to the Lehigh Gap Nature Center property and what a difference since Tuesday. All of the snow was gone and much more trash was visible under and around the bridge.

Bottles here and there. The majority of items were on the north side of the bridge and most looked as though they came from people throwing their unwanted drink containers off of the bridge. The southern side is maintained and mowed for the boat launch and is probably the reason there wasn't much on that side.

There is also a small wetland area on the north side and with a layer of ice over the top of it I was unable to remove some of the trash I came across. 

My bag was not completely full, but because of all of the glass and a couple full bottles frozen solid I couldn't take anymore than this without ripping the bag. A little more work needs to be done under and around the bridge, I am pretty sure I took out the majority of what was there though.

This afternoon I wanted to get one more clean-up in to make up for yesterday. I wasn't going to go far and ended up back at the gamelands off of route 93. Unlike the earlier trip the mountaintop still had snow. 

Found several empty oil containers like this one. These and other larger dumped items probably would not be there if the Game Commission kept this access road locked year round. They open it during hunting season. 

The rest of the trash I picked up was the same old stuff. Bottles, cans and then more bottles.

Did not pick up as much on the way out. I was happy I didn't fall going down this hill. Had a lot of glass in the bag at this point and I didn't want it to be broken glass. 

This was the total taken out of the gamelands. For the day this put the total well over a full bag and I think that is an awesome haul for a winter day. Tomorrow I will be going on Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center's Winter Bird Count. I may still take out some trash and I will add a post about it either tomorrow night or Sunday. If you have a local State Park or State run EE Center check out their public programs. Most are free and in my experience these programs are run by very knowledgable staff. The programs vary from park to park and are a great way to learn more about the natural world around you. 

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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