Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lehigh Gorge State Park: D&L Trail (21-Jan-2016)

Last month, on my way to the Lackawanna State Forest, I made a wrong turn in White Haven and I stumbled across an access to the Lehigh Gorge State Park and the D&L Trail. I had no idea the park or the trail continued up river past White Haven. I went back today to explore this new area to me and to take out some trash.

When I pulled into the parking lot I spotted this on the lots edge. I was not sure it was a cat until I got out of my car and had a closer look. House cats belong indoors. They are excellent predators and when left outside, this presents a major problem for our native wildlife. A study published in 2013 by Loss, et al. estimated that between 1.3-4 billion birds and 6.3-22.3 billion mammals are killed by domestic cats each year in the United States alone. Even at the low estimates, cats are taking out large numbers of wildlife and this is something that is completely preventable. 

The same old thing on the trailsides. Bottles and cans. Always, bottles and cans.

A side trail, not far from the parking area, took me to a part of the old canal system. So much work went into creating the canal system along the Lehigh and today much of it just lies in ruins. I find it nice seeing these historic sites revert back to a more natural setting like the state this lock is currently in. The graffiti, like that pictured on the right, I would much prefer not seeing.

Above the old lock I found this structure. I would suggest never going into buildings like this, especially if you are alone. People do sometimes live in them and it is best just to stay away. I did go in this one and there was a few items of trash and thankfully that was all. This was the first time I have found a fast food tray.

A not so new, not that old, Diet Pepsi Bottle.

Did not really get that far before I had my pack filled. I took this back to my car and set out again, this time sticking to the D&L Trail.

Along the trail there was not a lot of trash, but I did slowly fill the pack again. 

At the end of the trail this train passed by carrying some large cargo. The trail ends at a road and the opposing side is posted. There isn't much room to park at this end and the only marker for the trail here is a sign that states No Motorized Vehicles. 

When I turned around to go back my pack was somewhat full.

Instead of taking the D&L all the way back I found a path that ran between the trail and the river. This was taken from that path and was my favorite scene of the day. 

There were a lot of old stone structures along the river, most of which looked to be for fairly large buildings. I wonder how long ago they were in use and what they were for.

This was my second pack full of trash for the day. I think what I collected today was a lot for just a 1.5 mile section of trail.

With a snow storm moving in sometime tomorrow this may be my last trash post for awhile. I may get one more clean-up in tomorrow, but I am not sure if that will happen. I will still get out hiking even if there is snow and if I come across anything interesting I will still post even without the trash.

You too can help with taking out the trash! If you get out hiking take a grocery bag with you, give it a second use and fill it with trash while you are out! Every bit helps. You can also help contributing to this project here: Help Fund Taking Out the Trash

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